Online SPM Monitoring System


  • To measure the value of Particulate Matters, Drexel has been designing, supplying andmaintaining highest quality PM Analyzer which is used in various industries like textile plants, Rubber Plants, Cement plants , Sugar Mills , Dye and Dye Intermediate , Electroplating Industries, Paper plants and Pharmaceuticals etc. We are specialised in manufacturing of Real Time emission Monitoring System in Delhi.

  • Generated data is directly connected to Cloud Gateway to send the data on CPCB/SPCB Server.

  • To send the data on Cloud Server, there is a SIM/LAN Based Cloud Gateway which receive the data from the Logic Controller by RS 485 and transmit to the server.

Real Time emission Monitoring System
Real Time emission Monitoring System


  • To monitor the Particulate Matter in the Continuous Emission Monitoring System, Drexel follows the Probe Electrification (Non- Optical) method which comes underthe In-Situ Type Technology (temp. >95 °C)

  • Probe Electrification (Non-Optical): DC Triboelectric instruments are types of probeelectrification devices in which the electrical current charge which is produced byparticles interacting with a grounded probe mounted across the stack is measuredand correlated to dust concentration.

  • Then Electronic signal is converted which is proportional to the dust concentration on the PM Probe.

  • The length of the probe is depends upon the diameter of Stack. And it covers the 1/3 diameters of the stack at the sample point.

Real Time emission Monitoring System DX4P-PM

Installation Pictures

Real Time emission Monitoring System

Light Attenuation/ Dust Opacity:

In this method, the light transmit by the Lamp Sourcewhich is absorbed by particles crossing a light beam ismeasured by the receiver and correlated to dustconcentration.

Probe Electrification (Non-Optical): DC Tribo-electric

instruments are types of probe electrification devices in which the electrical current charge which is produced by particles interacting with a grounded probe mounted across the stack is measured and correlated to dust concentration. Then Electronic signal is converted which is proportional to the dust concentration on the PM Probe.

Real Time emission Monitoring System


Methodology In-situ Probe Electrification Type In-situ Transmittance Type
Technology DC- Triboelectric Light attenuation / Opacity
Measurement Range 0-1000 mg/m3 0-1000 mg/m3
Sampling Interval Mini. 1 min. / As per Customer request Mini. 1 min. / As per Customer request
Average Data Transfer to CPCB Server 15 min 15 min.
Data Storage On Cloud On Cloud
Records 10,000 files 10,000 files
Signal Output Modbus RS 485, Analog 4-20 mA Modbus RS 485, Analog 4-20 mA
Power Supply 24 V DC 24 V DC


  • Online PM Monitoring Equipments are connected to Servers to transmit data through LAN / SIM Card based Cloud Gateway.

  • Cloud Server collect the analyzed data on every 1 minute frequency and generating files.

  • Average Frequency of transmitting data to CPCB/SPCB server through Cloud gateway is interval of 15 min.

  • Auto SMS Alerts have been generated to the dedicated e-mail address & registered mobile numbers.

Real Time emission Monitoring System

Industries We Serve

Govt. STPs
Govt. Hospitals
Pharmaceutical Industries
Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Plants
Textiles Industries
Automobile Industries
Sugar Mills
Food, Dairy & Beverages Industries
  • Phone Number
  • +91 172 2998398
    Toll-free no :- 1800-123-440098

  • Address
  • Plot No 442,Industrial Area, Sector 82,Mohali Punjab, India 160055

Online CO, CO2, O2 Analyzer

TUV, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, related to CE Directive(s)