Bio Medical Waste Treatment Plant Applications

Bio Medical Waste Management
(Bar Code and GPS)

Main computer shall be placed at the BMWT Plant which will show the movement location of vehicles going and coming for waste collection to different hospitals/collection points and shall also display store and transmit the complete data of all the waste collection on server. No additional computer is required if DrexelOnline Stack monitoring system is installed. Same system shall perform all the functions of Management system. Only software shall be loaded.


SMS: SMS facility shall be available which will send SMS to 3 different mobile at the time of collection of waste giving details of type of waste, weight of waste, time of collection and collection point location. The system operation is very simple and effective which revolves around mobile phone being carried by driver of the vehicle going out for collection of waste. The mobile effectively operate as multiple device performing as GPS device, barcode or QR code scanning, data storage of weighing scale (through Bluetooth) recorded at collection points and transmitting online data to the base station computer located in plant and server. The mobile phone shall not have any phone dialing or receiving Facility.

Bar Code and GPS management for BMWTP

  • GPS location of all the vehicles moving right from the starting point of plant, collection points and till return to the plant shall be displayed and recorded.
  • Data of individual waste collection point with Name of the HCF (Health Care Facility), time, date, bar code scan details for type of waste, weight of waste, with Unique Number.
  • Data storage for up to three months on server.
  • Up to maximum 12 mobile phones can be interlinked to mainframe computers located at BMWT plant. Means up to 10 Waste collection vehicles can be integrated.
  • Barcode or QR Code scanning, weighing data, GPS, SMS all through one mobile per vehicle.
  • Low inventory cost. Since the main device shall be mobile phone, weighing scale having capacity of 50 Kgs
  • Weekly email giving details of complete data shall be transmitted from server to each Plant, Collection point & Pollution board (optional) which includes complete collection Data including weight, type of waste and other relevant details. Daily email also possible with complete details (optional).
  • Easy to operate since no wiring between weighing scale and no need of external bar code scanner. Mobile camera scans the barcode and weighing scale is connected to mobile by Bluetooth. Also the collection point is confirmed by GPS, collection point code and SMS sent immediately after collection of waste to collection point mobile, BMWT specified mobile and State Pollution Board mobile. (Optional).
  • Server Connectively for complete data transfer possible to State/Central pollution board as required through user friendly cloud based API protocol/ftp protocol. (Optional).
  • Barcode or QR code printer facility at the BMWT plant. Assistance in software from our end. Each collection center shall have unique barcode address.
  • The complete cost of our Online Waste Management is recovered in 6 to 7 months.
  • Annual Server charges/software upgrade/system online Service maintenance charges, all are included in one package.
  • Shortly we shall introduce ONLINE Monthly Payment collection facility directly interlinked to individual waste collection.
  • Excel sheet for individual collection center on weekly and monthly bases with summed up data of total weight, type of material and time of collection. Cheap and simple reliable operations since the whole system revolve around mobile phone, wireless weighting scale connected to serve.


PC Platform


Portable Handheld Printer

Portable Handheld Printer option is available for printing receipts if required by collection centers (Optional).

  • Phone Number
  • +91 172 2998398
    Toll-free no :- 1800-123-440098

  • Address
  • Plot No 442,Industrial Area, Sector 82,Mohali Punjab, India 160055

Online CO, CO2, O2 Analyzer

TUV, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, related to CE Directive(s)